
Friday 18 April 2008

Beetham Paper mill (Since when ?)

I know this is not exactly relating to spring,but it could be given the weather we have had.

A week or so ago I was in some great company including some dear friends long retired,I had the job of taking a photographic record of the event. Photos where loaded on to emails and sent far and wide. The next day I received an email from one of my retired work colleagues and attached where this photograph and the business card below. If you have browsed this blog you will now know I cannot resist a bit of history,so here they are. I was kindly sent some information on the two Items and the following is from R.M.T.'s email..

Richard Batt was born in 1807 to a Quaker family in Yealand. When part of the mill was being demolished in 1917 ,prior to rebuilding,a sealed bottle was found containing the following memorandum.

Richard Batt took possession as tenant of Waterhouse Mill in May 1842 his predecessor Wm.Turner,becoming bankrupt.It was then a Vat mill-and in or about 1848 was converted in to a one machine mill,first making grocery papers on January 15th 1854. A lease for the mill was taken for 20 years from G.E.Wilson of Dallam Tower (£150 rent).

You will see that the roof lines are at right angles to the river though,nowadays they are parallel to the river. This is because there was a big fire in 1855 and the mill was rebuilt to take longer machines. The etching (on the business card) must have been drawn from a view point in a field beside Paradise lane.

Have you noticed, the Mill is said to be in Milnthorpe and also we have an"E" in the county.

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