
Thursday 7 February 2008

Stoneleigh and Mallow House

Stoneleigh is the nearer,one of the finest houses in the village. My first memory of this place was as a Doctors Surgery,they later moved across the road hence the present name "Stoneleigh Surgury". Later this became home of "The Bull with the Bowler Hat" brigade or to give them their proper title Milk Marketing Board artificial insemination department. From here a fleet of ford Anglia's driven by men who where always in a hurry,screeching off all over the place to carry out their duty,which basically meant sticking their up a Cows bits. After the Anglia's came the Mk1 Escorts,this would be in the early 1960,the first to get one was the No1 inseminater Mr Ossie Collinson, I don't know if he was The No1,but he thought he was. Above Stoneleigh stands Mallow House,another fine building. Memories of this house revolve around the patch of grass next to it. The family that lived there in the 60's sort of laid claim to this land and woe betide anyone who stepped on it,this was the Wembly of Mil'thrup KEEP OFF THE GRASS. Well this did not go down to well with the lad's and the more we got told to keep off,the more we went on. The situation at one stage got to be a bit sticky with said resident chasing around the square and threatening us with "Tiny". We all eventually grew out of this silly situation, but till his dying day the chap looked at me with hatred every time we passed in the street,tells you something about the bloke I think..

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